Work packages

Work Package 1: Manage­ment and coordination

  • The general objec­tive of WP1 is to manage and coordi­nate the project by estab­li­shing an effec­tive and efficient manage­ment environment/system for all project partners to ensure the smooth develo­p­ment of all tasks related to the project implementation
  • Project manage­ment provides clear schedule of develo­p­ment and tracking the overall project imple­men­ta­tion, inclu­ding scien­tific, adminis­tra­tive and finan­cial issues related to the project for its full lifetime-36 months
  • Project manage­ment is based on the core princi­ples of EU funded project manage­ment. The coordi­nator together with the benefi­ci­a­ries contri­bute to a smooth and successful imple­men­ta­tion of the project based on trans­pa­rency and visibi­lity. A Project Manage­ment Board ensures through reporting and monito­ring successful imple­men­ta­tion of the PRESS activities.

Work Package 2:  Preparation

  • One of the specific objec­tives of the WP2 is to identify locally relevant examples, topics and networ­king partners based on the needs analysis in the partner countries
  • Organi­sa­tion of study tours by the Univer­si­ties of Bremen and Helsinki for key staff from partner universities

Work Package 3:  Develo­p­ment and Implementation

  • One of the general objec­tives of WP3 is develo­p­ment of PRESS curri­culum and course materials/PRESS teaching toolkit
  • Partner networks will be estab­lished and PRESS courses will be imple­mented at the partner universities
  • Supporting materials will be purchased for PRESS courses
  • National meetings will be organised twice in a year at partner univer­si­ties – one face to face and one online
  • Inter­na­tional staff and teacher training workshops will be organised in Georgia, Israel and Indonesia
  • PRESS courses will be imple­mented at partner universities

Work Package 4:  Quality assurance and evaluation

  • WP 4 guaran­tees the successful imple­men­ta­tion of the project several quality measures will be installed, which involve internal and external monitoring
  • Inter­na­tional training workshops, local trainings and PRESS courses will be evaluated

Work Package 5:  Dissemination

  • Disse­mi­na­tion of the PRESS course frame­work and materials on univer­sity and school level
  • Linking PRESS activi­ties with non-formal partners and society