
University of Bremen

The Univer­sity of Bremen is a medium-sized German univer­sity with around 20,000 students, which recently celebrated its 50th birthday. Bremen offers a wide range of subjects and degrees for its committed and talented students: more than 100 master’s and bachelor’s degrees, as well as the state law exam. Moreover, with research-based learning, the univer­sity has reinter­preted project-based courses, a defining feature origi­na­ting from when the Univer­sity of Bremen was founded. As part of the European univer­sity network YUFE–Young Univer­si­ties for the Future of Europe it is develo­ping a new model for European higher educa­tion together with nine other universities.

2,300 acade­mics, among them 270 profes­sors (32% of which are female), teach and carry out research in a wide range of disci­plines. The univer­sity has estab­lished a long tradi­tion in inter­di­sci­pli­nary coope­ra­tion and excel­lent research in natural sciences, enginee­ring, the social sciences and the humani­ties, as well as in teacher training. From 2012–2019, the Univer­sity of Bremen with its future concept “Ambitious and Agile” was one of eleven univer­si­ties that held the title “Univer­sity of Excellence”.

Key personnel:
Ingo Eilks
Nadja Belova

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Ilia State University

Ilia State Univer­sity is a flagship public research and compre­hen­sive univer­sity in Georgia, located in Tbilisi. It was estab­lished in 2006 as a merger of six diffe­rent insti­tu­tions, each having a long history and a diverse insti­tu­tional profile. Shortly after­wards it trans­formed itself into a multi-profile univer­sity with its signi­fi­cant research outputs visible at the national and inter­na­tional levels. ISU’s four facul­ties — the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Medicine, the Faculty of Business, Techno­logy and Educa­tion, and the School of Law — offer a variety of unique academic programs, inclu­ding joint and double degree programs in their respec­tive disci­plines. Along with 47 large and small-scale research insti­tutes, labora­to­ries and centers, the Univer­sity creates in-depth research oppor­tu­ni­ties in arts, social sciences, educa­tion, humani­ties, business, law, medicine, public health, life sciences, basic sciences, enginee­ring and architecture.

Key personnel:
Marika Kapanadze, Ekate­rine Slovinsky, Manana Salukvadze

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Academic Arab College for Education

The Academic Arab College for Educa­tion (AACE) is located in Haifa city and provides a level playing field for Israelis of varied backgrounds. Diffe­rent people from diffe­rent origins and religions work and study side by side in harmony and unity. The college values diver­sity and multi­cul­tu­ra­lism in students, faculty and staff.

The college offers 7 study tracks, and has 13 depart­ments for the B.Ed. degree: Depart­ment of Educa­tion, Early Child­hood, Special Educa­tion, Arabic Language and Litera­ture, Hebrew Language and Litera­ture, English Language and Litera­ture, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathe­ma­tics, Computer Science, Music and Theatre Studies.  In addition, the college offers M.Ed. degree programs in Language Educa­tion, Science Educa­tion, Teaching and Learning and Learning Disabi­li­ties in the Arabic Language.

There are over over 7000 pre- and in-service teachers studing in the AACE and over 180 academic staff members. The college believes in higher educa­tion as the main principle in promo­ting educa­tional equity and inclu­sion. Since its estab­lish­ment in 1949, the AACE has ensured its students with personal and career develo­p­ments likewise. 

Key personnel:
Dr. Ahmad Basheer – Manager of the project
Dr. Riam Abu-Much – Coordi­nator of the project
Mis Haya Khaldy – Head of inter­na­tional department 

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Universitas Negeri Malang

Univer­sitas Negeri Malang was born on October 18, 1954. with the name Univer­sity of Teacher Educa­tion (PTPG). In 1957, it became the Faculty of Teacher Training and Educa­tion (FKIP). Then, in 1963, it became the Teacher Training and Educa­tion Insti­tute (IKIP). In 1999, it trans­formed into Univer­sitas Negeri Malang (UM).

UM educates students across eight facul­ties. One of the biggest faculty is Faculty of Mathe­ma­tics and Natural Sciences which consists of 24 study programs from bachelor to postgra­duate degree, inclu­ding the program of science/ chemistry/ physics/ biology/ mathe­ma­tics educa­tion which educate preser­vice science teacher for junior and senior high school level. The student body consists of 4680 bachelor degree students and 696 postgra­duate students. Our faculty is supported by 209 lectu­rers, 42 adminis­tra­tion staff and 19 labora­tory staff.

Key personnel:
Dr. Safwatun Nida
Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono
Prof. Sri Rahayu, Ph.D
Habiddin, Ph.D
M. Fajar Marsuki, M.Sc.

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David Yellin Academic College of Education

The David Yellin Academic College of Educa­tion, located in Jerusalem, in the pastoral Beit Hakerem neigh­bour­hood, was founded in 1913. It was a pionee­ring endea­vour whose goal was to design teacher educa­tion programs in Hebrew for teachers who would, in turn, teach their classes in Hebrew.

Since its founda­tion, the college has been respon­sible for training thousands of teachers and decision-makers in the field of educa­tion in Israel. Many of the college graduates became leading intellec­tuals, writers, and poets.

The college’s 5,000 students repre­sent the diver­sity in Israeli society. Religious and secular Jews, Muslim and Chris­tian Arabs, and new immigrants all meet up at David Yellin College with the common aim of becoming the next genera­tion of Israeli educators.

Key personnel:
Yaron Lehavi, Prof., Senior expert
Ronit Ahdut- HaCohen PhD, MBA, Junior expert
Chen Sherman, PhD, Junior expert
Michal Yuval, PhD., Junior expert

Ari Shalit, VP Finance

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Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State Univer­sity (BSU) is an important educa­tional, scien­tific and cultural center of Georgia. It has a 85-year-long history.

The academic poten­tial, tradi­tions and the geogra­phical location of BSU deter­mine the priori­ties of its scien­tific-research activi­ties At present BSU comprises 7 facul­ties: Econo­mics and business, humani­ties, exact science and educa­tion, law and social sciences, natural sciences and health care, techno­lo­gies, tourism. It also embraces the 3 Research Insti­tutes. About 6 000 students study at the vocational, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs

BSU is a multi-functional educa­tional and scien­tific insti­tu­tion where a unified space of academic and profes­sional educa­tion and research is created with the coope­ra­tion of students, profes­sors, teachers and resear­chers. A number of scien­tific-research projects of inter­na­tional and national signi­fi­cance have been accom­plished on the univer­sity base.

The univer­sity has close partner­ship relations with the leading higher educa­tional insti­tu­tions within and outside the country. BSU is considered a desirable host for the inter­na­tional scien­tific confe­rences and symposia held in various fields of science.

Key personnel:
Rusudan Khukh­u­naish­vili
Marina Koridze
Marina Nager­vadze

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University of Klagenfurt

The Alpen Adria Univer­si­taet Klagen­furt (AAU) was founded in 1970 and consists of four facul­ties. Around 12,000 students from 83 count­ries are currently studying at the Univer­si­taet Klagen­furt. The Insti­tute of Instruc­tional and School Develo­p­ment (IUS) is part of the Faculty of of Humani­ties and Educa­tion. The research and develo­p­ment activi­ties of the IUS extend across all levels of the field of educa­tion - instruc­tion, the single school, and the educa­tional system - as well as the profes­sio­na­lism of teachers. The more than 20 resear­chers at the Insti­tute cover exper­tise in a broad range of methods (quanti­ta­tive, quali­ta­tive as well as action research). The Insti­tute hosts the coordi­na­tion office for the teacher training programme at the Univer­sity of Klagen­furt. The insti­tute conducts among others (i.e. in the fields of Educa­tion for Sustainable Develo­p­ment, School Leader­ship, Career Counsel­ling for Teachers) the national large-scale projects IMST (Innova­tions in Mathe­ma­tics, Science and Techno­logy Teaching) and ECOLOG —  Ecolo­gi­sa­tion of Schools-Educa­tion for Sustainable Develo­p­ment. The IUS was and is partner of several EU-projects (like FIBONACCI, CoDeS, PROFILES, PARRISE, ARTIST, LINKS, SustainAll).

Key personnel:
Prof. Dr. Franz Rauch
Dr. Chris­tina Pichler-Koban
Dr. Andrea Frantz-Pittner

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Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Univer­sitas Sultan Ageng Tirta­yasa, popularly known as Untirta, is a state univer­sity located in Serang, the capital city of Banten province, Indonesia. Untirta currently has four campuses consis­ting of Campus A in Pakupatan, Serang. This campus is the main campus which is located beside the Pakupatan Bus Station. The location of the main campus is very strategic. Then, there is also Campus B in Cilegon for the Faculty of Enginee­ring and Medicine, Campus C in Ciwaru for some of the depart­ments of the Teacher Training and Educa­tion Faculty (FKIP). and campus D in Kepan­dean for Nursing major. There­fore, the insti­tu­tion built a large and modern integrated campus in the Sindangsari area. Untirta has integrated labora­tory that is the one of UNTIRTA’s strengths to lead to a World Class Univer­sity by managing research and develo­p­ment activi­ties in applied science and research. The integrated labora­tory at Campus A Untirta has an Integrated Science Labora­tory, Educa­tional Science Labora­tory, Physical Science Labora­tory, Language Labora­tory, and Micro Teaching Labora­tory which will be used to support the studies of Untirta students. At Campus A, Untirta has a hall in the Student Activity Center building which usually functions as a means of self-defense training.

Key personnel:
Dr. Robby Zidny, B. Ed, M. Sc.
Dr. Solfa­rina, B. Ed, M. Sc.
Indah Sari, M. Ed.
Ratna Sari Siti Aisyah, M. Ed.
Yuvita Oktarisa, Ph. D.
Udi Saman­hudi, Ph. D.

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The University of Helsinki

The Univer­sity of Helsinki is Finland’s largest and oldest academic insti­tu­tion and an innova­tive centre of science and thinking. Since 1640, we have contri­buted to the estab­lish­ment of a fair and equal society that is considered one of the best in the world. The Unit of Chemistry Teacher Educa­tion at the Depart­ment of Chemistry organises educa­tion for student teachers studying chemistry, primary school student teachers, postgra­duate students in chemistry educa­tion, as well as subject and primary school teachers. We work in close colla­bo­ra­tion with the Chemis­tryLab Gadolin (a part of the LUMA Centre Finland’s network) that is a versa­tile learning environ­ment offering fasci­na­ting experi­ences for schools and educa­tional insti­tu­tions. The goal is to offer research-based solutions for teaching and learning in chemistry, promote interest in chemistry, increase aware­ness of the exten­sive field of chemistry, and provide infor­ma­tion about studies and careers in chemistry.