Sustaina­bi­lity needs educated citizens for respon­sible action and trans­for­ma­tion of the present society. The project Promo­ting Relevant Educa­tion in Science for Sustaina­bi­lity (PRESS) invests in the capacity of HEIs to better educate teachers for educa­tion for sustainable develo­p­ment (ESD). The aim of the project is to install courses for teacher educa­tion in science with a focus on promo­ting ESD. Courses will be developed and imple­mented to allow partners to streng­then science teacher educa­tion with a focus on ESD. Respon­sible action in society needs parti­ci­pa­tion skills which are (in our contem­po­rary society) insepa­rably bound to self-deter­mined coverage of media. For ESD, critical scien­tific media literacy and commu­ni­ca­tion skills with societal stake­hol­ders are suggested as important goals in educa­tion, in general and in science educa­tion in parti­cular. That is why the PRESS courses on ESD will include a special focus on critical scien­tific media educa­tion and science commu­ni­ca­tion skills to the wider public, both concer­ning tradi­tional as well as digital/social media. Courses will also include training teachers for integra­ting school science learning with partners from businesses (SMEs/industry) and the wider public in small educa­tional projects in connec­tion to the non-formal educa­tional arena.


  • Another PRESS disse­mi­na­tion event in Malang, Indonesia
    On July 09, 2023, Prof Ingo Eilks and Dr Safwatun Nida provided another one-day PRESS disse­mi­na­tion workshop on ESD and socio-scien­­tific issues-based science educa­tion at Univer­sitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. 75 science teachers took part and became part of the PRESS-project.
  • PRESS as the driver for the 8th ICoMSE at Univer­sitas Negeri Malang
    At the Univer­sitas Negeri Malang, the 8th Inter­na­tional Confe­rence on Mathe­ma­tics and  Science Educa­tion (ICoMSE) took place under the heading of “Promo­ting Relevant Educa­tion in Science for Sustaina­bi­lity”. A total of 200 propo­sals were submitted discus­sing many aspects of mathe­ma­tics and science educa­tion. Among the keynote and invited speakers, there were three keynotes and another five… Read more: PRESS as the driver for the 8th ICoMSE at Univer­sitas Negeri Malang
  • 2nd PRESS on-site staff develo­p­ment week in Indonesia
    From July 1–4, 2024, the inter­na­tional partners and the Indone­sian PRESS insti­tu­tions with their staff and many guests met at Univer­sitas Negeri Malang for the second inter­na­tional staff develo­p­ment workshop. Like in the 1st workshop in Georgia, the program included sessions on concepts of sustaina­bi­lity and ESD, critical scien­tific media literacy, networ­king, non-formal learning oppor­tu­ni­ties, or… Read more: 2nd PRESS on-site staff develo­p­ment week in Indonesia
  • New PRESS disse­mi­na­tion event in Serang, Indonesia
    On June 28–29, 2023, Prof Ingo Eilks and Dr Robby Zidny gave a  workshop on ESD, socio-scien­­tific issues-based (SSI) science educa­tion, and the PRESS project at Univer­sitas Sultan Ageng Tirta­yasa (UNTIRTA). Overall more than 200 science student teachers, teachers, and teacher educa­tors attended the two days meeting (50 on-site and 163 online). We welcomed UNTIRTA students… Read more: New PRESS disse­mi­na­tion event in Serang, Indonesia
  • 1st PRESS on-site staff develo­p­ment week in Georgia
    From March 11–15, 2024, the Georgian PRESS insti­tu­tions with their staff met at Ilia State Univer­sity at Tbilisi with the EU partners from Bremen, Helsinki and Klagen­furt for the first inter­na­tional staff develo­p­ment workshop. The workshop program included sessions on concepts of sustaina­bi­lity and ESD, critical scien­tific media literacy, sustaina­bi­lity evalua­tions, formal/non-formal/in­­formal learning oppor­tu­ni­ties, project-based learning,… Read more: 1st PRESS on-site staff develo­p­ment week in Georgia
  • PRESS is now on Insta­gram!
    The PRESS Insta­gram account features updates on the project, insights into the PRESS courses, impres­sions of the workshops and much more.  Follow us: press_project_eu
  • PRESS national meeting in Georgia
    From October 31st to November 1st PRESS partners in Georgia hold the national F2F meeting in Batumi. Partners from Ilia State Univer­sity from Tbilisi and Batumi Shota Rustaveli State Univer­sity discussed the develo­p­ment of the PRESS project, main ideas of the PRESS course and planned future activities.
  • 1st  PRESS imple­men­ta­tion event in Indonesia
    On October 2–3, 2023, Prof Ingo Eilks taught at the Univer­sitas Negeri Malang about educa­tion for sustainable develo­p­ment and the PRESS project. Overall more than 250 bachelor of science student teachers, and about 100 MEd- and PhD- students attended the sessions and learned about the comingimple­men­ta­tion of the PRESS-project at Univer­sitas Negeri Malang. We welcomed guests… Read more: 1st  PRESS imple­men­ta­tion event in Indonesia
  • PRESS Indone­sian national meeting invites Prof. Ingo Eilks
    On October 2–4, PRESS partners hold their 2023 national f‑t‑f meeting in Malang, Indonesia. By proper planning of other commit­ments, Prof Ingo Eilks was onsite to see the progress of the project and inten­si­vely discuss the planning of the PRESS imple­men­ta­tion in Indonesia. The partners also made anexcur­sion to the Indonesia Safari Park II Prigen to… Read more: PRESS Indone­sian national meeting invites Prof. Ingo Eilks
  • PRESS Study tour in Helsinki
    The partner country PRESS members were invited for a three days study tour in Helsinki. Activi­ties encom­passed an excur­sion to a small island, Harakka, on the coast of Helsinki and the Harakka Nature Centre. Sessions also included learning about the LUMA centre Finland, a nation­wide activity for non-formal science learning.
  • PRESS kick-off meeting in Bremen
    All nine PRESS partners met at the Univer­sity of Bremen to start the project. Intense discus­sions about the PRESS curri­culum were initiated and plans for its imple­men­ta­tion started.
  • PRESS Study tour in Bremen
    The partner country PRESS members did a three days study tour in Bremen to learn about PRESS related activi­ties in the Univer­sity of Bremen, visit the Bremer­haven Climate House science center and to conduct workshop and lab sessions.
  • First PRESS get together meetings online
    In two first online meetings the PRESS consor­tium intro­duced each insti­tu­tion to one and another and first adminis­tra­tive issues for imple­men­ting the project were discussed.