Category Overview

1st  PRESS implementation event in Indonesia

On October 2–3, 2023, Prof Ingo Eilks taught at the Univer­sitas Negeri Malang about educa­tion for sustainable develo­p­ment and the PRESS project. Overall more than 250 bachelor of science student teachers, and about 100 MEd- and PhD- students attended the…

PRESS Study tour in Helsinki

The partner country PRESS members were invited for a three days study tour in Helsinki. Activi­ties encom­passed an excur­sion to a small island, Harakka, on the coast of Helsinki and the Harakka Nature Centre. Sessions also included learning about the…

PRESS kick-off meeting in Bremen

All nine PRESS partners met at the Univer­sity of Bremen to start the project. Intense discus­sions about the PRESS curri­culum were initiated and plans for its imple­men­ta­tion started.

PRESS Study tour in Bremen

The partner country PRESS members did a three days study tour in Bremen to learn about PRESS related activi­ties in the Univer­sity of Bremen, visit the Bremer­haven Climate House science center and to conduct workshop and lab sessions.