PRESS as the driver for the 8th ICoMSE at Universitas Negeri Malang

PRESS as the driver for the 8th ICoMSE at Universitas Negeri Malang

At the Univer­sitas Negeri Malang, the 8th Inter­na­tional Confe­rence on Mathe­ma­tics and  Science Educa­tion (ICoMSE) took place under the heading of “Promo­ting Relevant Educa­tion in Science for Sustaina­bi­lity”. A total of 200 propo­sals were submitted discus­sing many aspects of mathe­ma­tics and science educa­tion. Among the keynote and invited speakers, there were three keynotes and another five invited talks from the PRESS project key personal. Within his keynote talk, Prof Ingo Eilks intro­duced the audience to the PRESS project.