2nd PRESS on-site staff development week in Indonesia

2nd PRESS on-site staff development week in Indonesia

From July 1–4, 2024, the inter­na­tional partners and the Indone­sian PRESS insti­tu­tions with their staff and many guests met at Univer­sitas Negeri Malang for the second inter­na­tional staff develo­p­ment workshop. Like in the 1st workshop in Georgia, the program included sessions on concepts of sustaina­bi­lity and ESD, critical scien­tific media literacy, networ­king, non-formal learning oppor­tu­ni­ties, or project-based learning. Further highlights were a compe­ti­tion of student teachers’ projects on ESD based in the PRESS pilot course work by students and an ecolo­gical excur­sion to a sea turtle and mangrove conser­va­tion sight and program. The week ended with an inter­na­tional confe­rence with more than 200 parti­ci­pants for disse­mi­na­ting PRESS ideas and content.