Sustainability needs educated citizens for responsible action and transformation of the present society. The project Promoting Relevant Education in Science for Sustainability (PRESS) invests in the capacity of HEIs to better educate teachers for education for sustainable development (ESD). The aim of the project is to install courses for teacher education in science with a focus on promoting ESD. Courses will be developed and implemented to allow partners to strengthen science teacher education with a focus on ESD. Responsible action in society needs participation skills which are (in our contemporary society) inseparably bound to self-determined coverage of media. For ESD, critical scientific media literacy and communication skills with societal stakeholders are suggested as important goals in education, in general and in science education in particular. That is why the PRESS courses on ESD will include a special focus on critical scientific media education and science communication skills to the wider public, both concerning traditional as well as digital/social media. Courses will also include training teachers for integrating school science learning with partners from businesses (SMEs/industry) and the wider public in small educational projects in connection to the non-formal educational arena.

- PRESS at CARN‑D.A.CH.Ingo Eilks, Franz Rauch, Andrea Frantz-Pittner and Ingrid Krumphals provided a PRESS workshop at the German speaking network conference of the Collaborative Action Research Network in Vienna, Austria. The project was presented and examples of its inherent networking philosophy were explained and discussed.
- Another Georgia national PRESS meetingOn an online meeting, PRESS partners in Georgia discussed the ongoing implementation of PRESS courses in Georgia and students’ project work.
- Impressions from the PRESS courses implementation in Tbilisi, GeorgiaGeorgian students designed several projects on different sustainability topics. They also investigating how household products affect our health and finding ways to ensure clean water for all. Their work demonstrates the power of education in building a greener future. The PRESS project, co-funded by the European Union, continues to support these educational initiatives at Ilia State University.
- 2nd PRESS online-symposium in IsraelAfter a first issue, a second online symposium took place as a substitute for the Israel staff training week. The second symposium was held on January 29, 2025, with participants from Israel, Germany, Austria, Finland, Indonesia and Georgia. Presentations focused networking with schools in the case of Austria, implementation of the PRESS courses and project work… Read more: 2nd PRESS online-symposium in Israel
- 1st PRESS online-symposium in IsraelAs a substitute for the Israel staff training week, the PRESS project started a small series of online-symposia. The first symposium was held on January 21, 2025 with participants from Israel, Germany, Austria and Georgia. Presentations focused the PRESS project, the teaching of energy topics with a focus on sustainability, and critical scientific media literacy. Overall,… Read more: 1st PRESS online-symposium in Israel
- Three times: PRESS dissemination in ChinaIn September 2024, Prof. Ingo Eilks visited China. On a two-days workshop at Shanghai Normal University, Prof. Eilks presented theories and practices of ESD and SSI-based teaching with reference to the PRESS project ( In the second week, Prof. Eilks gave two half-day lectures about the PRESS project and PRESS related content at Capital Normal University… Read more: Three times: PRESS dissemination in China
- PRESS at the Science Picnic in Tbilisi, GeorgiaThe 2024 Science Picnic was held in Georgia on 28th of September. About 20 000 visitors attended this event. The PRESS team of Ilia State University presented the PRESS project and its activities for the visitors.
- PRESS Project Presented at ECRICE 2024 in LisbonOn September 7th, Ingo Eilks presented the PRESS project at the ECRICE 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal, and discussed the course structure and potential impact with over 100 participants from all over the world.
- PRESS Project Members Present at 2024 World Conference on Physics Education in Krakow4th World Conference on Physics Education was held in Krakow, Poland from 25th to 30th of August, 2024. Project members from David Yellin College (Israel) and Ilia State University, (Georgia) Yaron Lehavi and Marika Kapanadze met in Krakow, presented and discussed some issues of the PRESS project.
- ESD Workshop at Universitas Negeri Malang: Sharing Best Practices from FinlandOn July 24, 2024, another PRESS dissemination workshop on ESD was conducted at Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. Prof. Maija Aksela shared examples of best practices of ESD implementation in Finland, such as through project-based learning, non-formal and in formal science education. This workshop was attended by 60 science teachers and 12 preservice science teachers. As a… Read more: ESD Workshop at Universitas Negeri Malang: Sharing Best Practices from Finland
- Another PRESS dissemination event in Malang, IndonesiaOn July 09, 2023, Prof Ingo Eilks and Dr Safwatun Nida provided another one-day PRESS dissemination workshop on ESD and socio-scientific issues-based science education at Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. 75 science teachers took part and became part of the PRESS-project.
- PRESS as the driver for the 8th ICoMSE at Universitas Negeri MalangAt the Universitas Negeri Malang, the 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) took place under the heading of “Promoting Relevant Education in Science for Sustainability”. A total of 200 proposals were submitted discussing many aspects of mathematics and science education. Among the keynote and invited speakers, there were three keynotes and another five… Read more: PRESS as the driver for the 8th ICoMSE at Universitas Negeri Malang
- 2nd PRESS on-site staff development week in IndonesiaFrom July 1–4, 2024, the international partners and the Indonesian PRESS institutions with their staff and many guests met at Universitas Negeri Malang for the second international staff development workshop. Like in the 1st workshop in Georgia, the program included sessions on concepts of sustainability and ESD, critical scientific media literacy, networking, non-formal learning opportunities, or… Read more: 2nd PRESS on-site staff development week in Indonesia
- New PRESS dissemination event in Serang, IndonesiaOn June 28–29, 2023, Prof Ingo Eilks and Dr Robby Zidny gave a workshop on ESD, socio-scientific issues-based (SSI) science education, and the PRESS project at Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (UNTIRTA). Overall more than 200 science student teachers, teachers, and teacher educators attended the two days meeting (50 on-site and 163 online). We welcomed UNTIRTA students… Read more: New PRESS dissemination event in Serang, Indonesia
- 1st PRESS on-site staff development week in GeorgiaFrom March 11–15, 2024, the Georgian PRESS institutions with their staff met at Ilia State University at Tbilisi with the EU partners from Bremen, Helsinki and Klagenfurt for the first international staff development workshop. The workshop program included sessions on concepts of sustainability and ESD, critical scientific media literacy, sustainability evaluations, formal/non-formal/informal learning opportunities, project-based learning,… Read more: 1st PRESS on-site staff development week in Georgia
- PRESS is now on Instagram!The PRESS Instagram account features updates on the project, insights into the PRESS courses, impressions of the workshops and much more. Follow us: press_project_eu
- PRESS national meeting in GeorgiaFrom October 31st to November 1st PRESS partners in Georgia hold the national F2F meeting in Batumi. Partners from Ilia State University from Tbilisi and Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University discussed the development of the PRESS project, main ideas of the PRESS course and planned future activities.
- 1st PRESS implementation event in IndonesiaOn October 2–3, 2023, Prof Ingo Eilks taught at the Universitas Negeri Malang about education for sustainable development and the PRESS project. Overall more than 250 bachelor of science student teachers, and about 100 MEd- and PhD- students attended the sessions and learned about the comingimplementation of the PRESS-project at Universitas Negeri Malang. We welcomed guests… Read more: 1st PRESS implementation event in Indonesia
- PRESS Indonesian national meeting invites Prof. Ingo EilksOn October 2–4, PRESS partners hold their 2023 national f‑t‑f meeting in Malang, Indonesia. By proper planning of other commitments, Prof Ingo Eilks was onsite to see the progress of the project and intensively discuss the planning of the PRESS implementation in Indonesia. The partners also made anexcursion to the Indonesia Safari Park II Prigen to… Read more: PRESS Indonesian national meeting invites Prof. Ingo Eilks
- PRESS Study tour in HelsinkiThe partner country PRESS members were invited for a three days study tour in Helsinki. Activities encompassed an excursion to a small island, Harakka, on the coast of Helsinki and the Harakka Nature Centre. Sessions also included learning about the LUMA centre Finland, a nationwide activity for non-formal science learning.
- PRESS kick-off meeting in BremenAll nine PRESS partners met at the University of Bremen to start the project. Intense discussions about the PRESS curriculum were initiated and plans for its implementation started.
- PRESS Study tour in BremenThe partner country PRESS members did a three days study tour in Bremen to learn about PRESS related activities in the University of Bremen, visit the Bremerhaven Climate House science center and to conduct workshop and lab sessions.
- First PRESS get together meetings onlineIn two first online meetings the PRESS consortium introduced each institution to one and another and first administrative issues for implementing the project were discussed.